Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bring on the Baby!

I am so ready to have Tobyn come out!!

Don't get me wrong I love being pregnant and feeling him inside all the time kicking hitting and punching me.  I think at any other time this would have been great but now the clock is ticking to move to South Korea and my anxiety for it is getting bigger and bigger each day that Toby stays inside.  My bets are on sometime between November 18-22, So everyone else please pray for that.

I think my problem is there is no plan of attack to get things done for moving and getting Toby on the orders to travel with us.  There are still many questions that are not answered.  I'm trying to take one thing at a time but there is so much happening for us in the next 2 months that I feel bad when I don't think about it and then when I do I get overwhelmed.  I'm trying to listen to Nik but when it's out of my control I have a hard time letting go.

I know it will all work out maybe not in the way I want it to but it will.  And we will have a happy and healthy baby boy and we will all be hapy together in Korea.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Belly Cast

Finally finished mine.  I'm so excited!!! It didn't take to long but I had to let the tissue paper dry between each layer was alittle annoying but it all came together!

My materials were used things as well this is what you'll need:
1 Belly cast (got mine on sale cause the package was dented)
Tissue paper (all from Tobyn's baby shower gifts)
Ribbons (all from Tobyn's baby shower gifts)
Flowers (cut up an old hawaiian lei)
Buttons (from Grandma Venice's collection)
Foam Circles (3$ at any craft store for making the flowers pop off the cast alittle)
3 Brads (I had in a scrapbook pile laying around)
and Alot of Hot Glue!

I hope that this will be something that we can hang onto forever, as much as I love feeling him inside, I am ready to have him out so Nik can carry him for awhile! haha Anyways thought I would share my cast I'm very proud of it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

36 week appt

Had my 36 week appt today. Everything is fine they did a strep b test and we will get the results at my 38 week appt on weds the 17th.

Went over the labor and birth plan. Dr Shahan talked about all the precedures at an army medical hospital. I am starting to like our doc he is very laid back and I can ask him anything cause I would like to try to do natural but since this is my first experience I'm not sure how I will handle it. I asked if I could take a warm shower to relax and move the labor along in some comfortable way and he replied we may need to work on the nurses cause they like you chained to your bed with a fetal monitor. Which is great but I don't want to be stuck laying on my back the whole time so maybe I can work with them.

Other surprising news the doc felt my tummy to find the position of the baby and he is head down but said that he doesn't feel that big yet... I'm like you realize how tall I am? He is covering me from bladder to rib cage!!!!!! There is no more room for him and I'm a big girl! I'm weighing in more than Nik! So I think he is still large but I just don't look bad no swollen parts and only a few stretch marks on my left side. We will see tho come 3 weeks time.

Please pray that tobyn wants to come out early my money is on the 18-20th so place your bets now!

- Aly G

Monday, November 1, 2010

36 week

Only 4 more weeks to go.

- Aly G