So after 4 days the OB finally calls me back. They said that I will not bee seen until 12 weeks. I thought that is a little bit late, but then again I'm not the Doc. I was kinda frustrated with how they just seemed like she wanted to get off the phone with me. She asked if I was taking any prenatals and I said yes, but she didn't ask what I was taking or anything. I was just a little shocked.
I'm going in on April 27th for registration not to sure what that is but I bet it's where they ask detailed questions and evaluate me from there. Then I will not be seen again until mid May.
At first I was worried but then I stopped myself to think about making a baby is one of the simplest things in life. I am healthy and so will my baby. I even watched some of that show I didn't know I was pregnant. About women who have a baby and didn't even know, one case the woman had her baby in the bathroom at her work. After the shock the baby is healthy and the mom recovers. I'm not to worried anymore and God always knows whats best.
The human body amazes me- how complex it is, yet how often it works just right. I know there are lots of diseases and conditions and stuff, but it really does amaze me how often everything goes just right and how many healthy normal babies are born, how everything ends up in the right places and how all the different types of tissues develop. *nerd alert* :)
Can you go to a different doctor if you're not happy with this one? Or are you limited to like one army doc? A good doc that listens to your concerns is a good thing to have.
the army is the army i'm just going to make the best of it, I'm not going to stress cause that just makes it worse, i will let you know how it goes on the 27th!
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