Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ruff Day!

He just looked to cute to not take a picture. Look at that adorable hat!
He was not sure how we wanted to start the day sillly boy. He always ends up happy. He did have a "ruff day" yesterday becuase of his shots, but he is all better and back in action.  His balance is getting better and he lifts his head higher each day.  I cannot believe how fast it is going by.  This is the stage that is enjoyable, from about 3 months on is fun.  Newborn is just a lot of work I was not to crazy about the all nighters.  Tobyn sleeps consistently from 7 to 2am which is very nice for mom!
His girlfriend Alyssa came over and she loves to hold him while he loves to look at her.  She will be such a great big sister one day.  She played peek-a-boo and tickle monster with him.  Alyssa really like to pet his soft hair too.  They were so cute together.
My baby boy so sweet to mama.

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