So at 9 months old and 10 days, he has decided that crawling is for chumps. He has been using his walker all over the house. When he gets stuck most of the time he picks it up and slams it back in the other direction. Takes it up the hall way and all the way around to the kitchen. Cruising on the furniture and taking steps in between objects, he is finally getting it. I love how he carries around his toys in his mouth so he can use his hands for balance. He figured how to to that when he was learning to pull up on the couch; he wanted to play with a toy on the couch while he stands and after many attempts realized putting it in the mouth means hands free for movement. I am so proud of out son, I can't believe the things he is capable of doing. He can bend over and pick up a toy that fell at his feet without falling. That is some talent!
At his 9 month check up he weights 24lbs and 28.24 inches long. He can do everything except for clap his hands together; he claps them on his tummy. Playing patty cake he just likes to watch me do the movements. Playing peek-a-boo with him makes you feel stupid; he looks at you like I know you are behind the blanket you are not really going anywhere. I say he is too smart for peek-a-boo, but I still try to play it with him. Let thing I'm working on is him saying mama, he is not even close to an "mm" sound yet he goes around saying dada all day long. He rambles, da da da da da and even does it silently moving his mouth and clicking his tongue but no sounds comes out. He loves to make many noises that is for sure but mama is not one of them. Soon enough I should not push him to grow up faster than I want, he is at the best age!
-Aly G
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