Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's Official My Son is Spoiled!

My case and utility cover have finally arrived for my iPad 2, THANK GOODNESS! I was always so nervous whenever Toby would come around. I hardly used it when he was awake, let alone have him touch it. Now that it's protected by griffin he can watch and play games until his little heart is content... I may have let him take that literally. On my workouts this morning I had him in the BOB and hung the strap arounds the over head cover and the rest is history!

He was so happy in the stroller watching his Toy Story that he didn't even want out of it when we got home. I let him finish the movie before feeding him and putting him down for a nap. This is going to be wondrous when I want to take long runs without the stress of him getting upset.

We even strolled into the neighbors houe to get his toys that we left and he could careless about what else is going on, I think I have created a monster. He is so spoiled with all the toys that he gets! Now he has a personal entertainment center in his stroller, what a lucky kid!

-Aly G

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