Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mothers day!

Since technically this is my first mother's day we spend it lazing around the house.  Since this time next year we will have our hands full!! the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing what more could you ask for?!

It was so sweet of Nik so say happy mothers day all day.  He has made me so happy and I'm so thankful to have him in my life.  What an amazing year this is turning out to be!


lynnvanwinkle said...

there should totally be a "happy childless by choice couples day"! I'll have to work on getting that one recognized by hallmark, lol.

Alyssa Green said...

Isn't that every day? but one day you will have your own kids, one day you will want one. Maybe not soon... but let it fester for awhile... ;)