Thursday, April 29, 2010

First OB Appointment

Headed down to Tripler for my fist OB appointment and totally thought it was going to be something different.  All I got was paperwork and poked.  I guess it's good that I get all my blood work done first so when I come back they will know more to help me.  I just can't wait for next appointment to hear a heartbeat.

The Doc said that I only get one ultrasound at 20 weeks so see the progress and the babies sex.  I thought we got more than that but oh well.  I'm a little sad I will not be getting more pictures but what can I do about it.  They gave me a nice little guide as to what to expect at the army hospital and each of my visits there.

On the plus side when we talked about labor and stuff she said that she sees tall women have really fast labors.  If you are over 5'8 you are golden, she said, that made me feel alot better.  I'm a giant and this baby will be out in no time, hopefully not while I'm in the car!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the height thing, I'd never heard that. P.S. why does "the bump" think you're giving birth to fruit?? first it was a blueberry, now it's a prune? jk ;)
P.P.S. I registered for a google account so I could leave comments on your blog, but now when I try to log in it tells me it's not the right username/password, argh!