Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hands, hand, Finger, Thumb

I was feeding him a bottle the other day and he put his hands on it to hold it. He turned his head to look away from me and brought his hands with him and held his own bottle. In my amazement I let him hold it until he dropped it and that took 8 minutes. All the while looking around and still keeping it in his mouth! What a big boy!

I think he understands he get food and grabs on for dear life he holds me while I feed him to. He makes sure I don't move he dislikes when I'm on my phone while feeding him, but to bad mister you take so long to eat mamas gotta play some scrabble!

On that note I'm getting better too my rating has really improved since breastfeeding! Nobodies smart but me! Haha jk, no really, just playing.

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