Monday, August 15, 2011

Conclusion to Cloth Diaper Trial

The trial was successful!! I have enjoyed using the cloth diapers; they are not that difficult to clean and maintain. It's just keeping up with it, but I have enough diapers that I can afford to launder every other day with no worries. The only issues I had with these diapers is more frequent changing; 8-10 in cloth and only 6-8 in huggies. Also now all the 12 month clothes I have don't fit because the cloth is more bulky. I need to get on shopping for him he gets bigger by the second!

Little man getting into everything now but he still looks cute in his diaper! I have been researching other brands and inserts. As of now he doesn't leak anymore at night but once he gets a little bigger I'm afraid that will change. I have bought a few double lined hemp night time inserts from Green Mountain Diapers. I can't wait to see how they work and of course I'll post my review! They have many great products! Simply Cloth is another site that sells their own brand of pocket diapers with many cute designs and minky. These will be my next investment as well down the line. There is just so many possibilities it's incredible.

I found them from this book: Raising Baby Green is has so many helpful tips on green living for anything you can think of! They have many great ideas that I'm going to have to try for myself.

All in all, I'm going to be using cloth 90% of the time. I know there will be few moments where huggies are needed but it will not cost nearly as much as if we used them constantly. I am very happy with my choice. I feel like I'm in a special club now, cloth Diapering bandits! Haha We hunt for great deals and great steals!

-Aly G

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